"Spritzing the Joy-Juice 2000"

Burt Rosenberg's UpComing OutGoings
NewsLetter E-pistle
"Good News for Screwballs"
Sent on May 30th, 2001


You Dearly Beloved Joy-Monger, You,

I am in Love with the notion...no wait, not the notion, with the IS...
of "on Earth as it IS in Heaven."

I'm not making this up. It's right there in The Lord's Prayer. Just imagine if this were not just a rote prayer we learned to recite years ago. But is Here, and Now. In the Current, Present, Imminent, Ineffable IS.

Always different, but always IS...

Imagine...that, in Him, we have permission, authority...and the power...to bring Heaven to Earth. THIS is the Adventure. THIS is the Wonder of the Ages. THIS is the Divine Smuggling Conspiracy. Heaven is being in the Presence of God. "Where two or three are gathered in His Name, HERE He is, present in the midst." Ahhhh!...men. -- (And women.)

In that sense, the Memorial Day Conference at the Fatima Center in Dalton, Pennsylvania, back from which I just came, was...heavenly. It was people who know who they are in Him (and Him in them), "speakers" & listeners, smilers & knowers, livers and lovers, cross-pollinating there with folks of various sorts & stripes, some of whom didn't know "Christ Within" from A Hole-in-the-Heart. But, Love never fails. And He didn't.

One lady at the end said she had not experienced any Joy in 26 years! But, she had experienced the real Joy of His presence that weekend! The dam had been broken, and the flow has begun. Pain was seen, seen through, surrendered, and replaced. Necessary tears got cried. And, some indispensable laughs got laughed.

This is the Father's Business. And He is gooood at His business.

Next stop...Chicago! "Woooo-Woooooo!!!..." (Help me out here, wouldja please? Make like a train noise.) (Or, better yet, an airplane noise. That would actually be more accurate in this case.) I'll be "performing" at "Karitos," a great Arts Conference in the Chicago area, on Thursday, Friday and Saturday, May 31st - June 2nd.

And then on Sunday morning, June 4th at Word of Life in the Wheaton area. And Sunday evening at Praise Fellowship Church in Carol Stream.

God loves artists. After all, He is the Master Artist of the Universe. He is the Creator, for Heaven's Sake. He created US...to co-Create with Him, in bringing Joy to the World. It's not just a Christmas Carol any more.

The essence of the Gospel is that, whether you or I would have done it this way or not, God has chosen to express the Creator of the Universe through SCREWBALLS.

Which, when you stop to think about it, is good news for Screwballs. That's why the Gospel is called the Good News. I don't quite know how to tell you this, but Screwballs are all He's got to work with.

Your Fellow Heaven-Carrier,
Burt Rosenberg

For further info about "Karitos," the Arts Conference:
Contact Bob Hay, the S. E. of the conference (i.e., "Screwball Extraordinaire") at bob@intersurfer.com -- or by phone at 312-506-9814.
For info or directions to Word of Life, near Wheaton, IL:
Call Pastor Vince DeJohn at 630-682-4710.
Praise Fellowship Church (Van Gale, Pastor) in Carol Stream, IL:
Located at 23 W. 420 St. Charles Rd. Phone number: 708-665-5526

"We have this Infinite Treasure in these finite earthen vessels..."
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